The Company

What opportunity do we have with 4life? Health+Money
Founders: David and Bianca Lisonbee, founders winth more than 30 years of experience in the Network Marketing Industry. They gather a group of well known scientists and researchers such as Dr. Calvin Mc Causland, Dr. Druane Towsend.
Marketing Team Steve tew, president of 4life company; Bruce Redd, vice-president of 4life company.
Growth Ranked by INC500 magazine as the 15th company in highest growth rate in the United States, 6109% in 5 year. It was also included in the month of march of 2007 in the prestigious business magazine "Success From Home
Why 4life? Because it's a solid company. 4life buy Shape Rite in 2002, a company ranked # 44 in the INC 500 This negotiation allows 4life to have the needed infrastructure to manage business worldwide.
One year later 4 life ranked by INC 500 #15 with a growth rate of 6109% .
Already, 4life is in more than 40 countries around the world and is redy to become the biggest company in Network Marketing History.

These points solidify the company's credibility. They helped me notice the level of professionalism, dedication, and status of solidness the company has in the industry now and for the years to come. These points reaffirmed our decision to build our future and our family's around this grat team.